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Neater Eating Solutions

We at Neater have been providing solutions for Ataxia, muscular dystrophy, intention tremors, and other conditions for over 25 years. Our assistive technology solutions include drinking aids, eating aids, and mobile arm supports, giving our customers greater independence, dignity, and choice when they face difficulties when eating or drinking due to physical or cognitive limitations.

Neater Solutions is renowned worldwide for the design, manufacturing, and supply of the Neater Eater, Neater Arm Support, Neater Drinkers, and Neater Table.

We offer FREE home assessments for this equipment! (UK only)

Our Assistive Technology Products

*At Neater, we generally refer to our products as "eating aids" or "eating equipment" however Google tells us "feeding" is a commonly used search word. Read more about our views on terminology in our blog post here.

What makes our products different?

System Design

The Neater feeding system has been developed and designed constantly over the years to cater to clients with weaknesses; its modular design has additional components and reduced damping to make it suitable for users with Arthritis, Stroke, and Muscular Dystrophy.

The assistive technology has been part of a lengthy clinical study, evidence showing it will save money when used, providing benefits to independence, health, and well-being, along with reliability.

We have worked with real customers for over 30 years and are constantly innovating based on feedback. Our products have been made to support individuals with a wide range of needs including; Cerebral Palsy, Ataxia, DMD, SMA, MND and loss of limb.

Shop for Neater Accessories

You can now purchase many of our feeding aid accessories and replacement small items from our online shop:

Contact us for free demonstrations and pricing on products like the Neater Eater Robotic, Neater Powered Drinker and Neater Eater Manual not available in our shop.


“I would sooner lose my power wheelchair for a day than my Neater Eater Robot.” – Geoff, client.

"The Neater Eater is an invaluable piece of equipment in maintaining someone’s independence and self- esteem." - Therapist

"The Neater Eater gives me independence and enables us to have our meals together again." - Client

"I can now adjust my glasses, scratch my chin, exercise my shoulder and eat as many crisps as I want with my mobile arm support!" - Client

"It's AWESOME! I can use a mobile phone!"- Client 

"Invaluable for people with a progressive weakness of the shoulder girdle muscles" - Therapist

"An essential piece of equipment for people with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy or Spinal Muscular Atrophy" - Therapist

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